How I Became an Independent Music Creator on YouTube!

If you are an aspiring musician who wants to share your talent and passion with the world, YouTube is one of the best platforms to do so. YouTube allows you to showcase your music, connect with your fans, and earn money from your videos. But how do you stand out from the millions of other music creators on YouTube? How do you grow your audience and reach new listeners? How do you make your music videos more engaging and appealing?

In this blog post, I will share with you my personal journey of becoming an independent music creator on YouTube. I will tell you how I started, what challenges I faced, and what strategies I used to overcome them. I will also reveal the secret tool that helped me boost my music video views, engagement, and ranking on YouTube. By the end of this post, you will learn how to create and promote your own music videos on YouTube and achieve your musical dreams.

How I Started My Music Channel on YouTube

I have always loved music since I was a kid. I learned to play the guitar, piano, and drums, and I started composing my own songs when I was in high school. I was inspired by many genres of music, but I especially enjoyed EDM (electronic dance music). I wanted to create music that would make people dance, feel happy, and have fun.

I decided to start a YouTube channel to share my music with the world. I thought it would be a great way to express myself, showcase my creativity, and reach a wider audience. I also hoped to make some money from my videos, as I wanted to pursue music as a full-time career.

I created my YouTube channel in 2021 and uploaded my first music video. It was a song that I wrote and produced myself, and I also filmed and edited the video. I was very proud of my work and I hoped that people would like it. I shared the video on my social media accounts and asked my friends and family to watch it and support me.

However, I soon realized that starting a music channel on YouTube was not as easy as I thought. My first video only got a few hundred views, and most of them were from people I knew. I barely got any comments, likes, or subscribers. I felt discouraged and disappointed. I wondered what I did wrong and how I could improve.

What Challenges I Faced and How I Overcame Them

I did some research and learned that there were many factors that affected the performance of my music videos on YouTube. Some of them were:

  • Competition: There were millions of other music creators on YouTube, and many of them had more experience, skills, and resources than me. It was hard to stand out and get noticed among them.
  • Quality: The quality of my music and videos was not very high, as I was doing everything by myself with limited equipment and budget. I needed to improve my production, editing, and sound quality to make my videos more professional and attractive.
  • Optimization: I did not know much about SEO (search engine optimization), which was essential for ranking my videos on YouTube and Google. I needed to optimize my titles, descriptions, tags, thumbnails, and keywords to make my videos more relevant and searchable for my target audience.
  • Promotion: I did not have a large and loyal fan base, and I relied on organic traffic from YouTube and social media. I needed to promote my videos more effectively and reach more potential viewers and listeners.

To overcome these challenges, I decided to invest more time, money, and effort into my music channel. I bought a better camera, microphone, and software to improve the quality of my music and videos. I learned more about SEO and applied the best practices to optimize my videos for YouTube and Google. I also experimented with different formats, styles, and genres of music to find my niche and unique voice.

But the most important thing that I did was to use a secret tool that helped me boost my music video views, engagement, and ranking on YouTube. This tool was LenosTube, a service that specializes in music video promotion on YouTube.

How LenosTube Helped Me Boost My Music Video Views, Engagement, and Ranking on YouTube

LenosTube is a service that helps music creators and businesses grow their online presence on YouTube. It offers real, organic, and targeted views, likes, comments, and subscribers for music videos. It also helps music videos rank higher on YouTube and Google, and reach more relevant and interested viewers.

I discovered LenosTube through a friend who also had a music channel on YouTube. He told me that he used LenosTube to promote his music videos and that he saw amazing results. He said that his views, engagement, and ranking increased significantly, and that he gained more fans and exposure for his music.

I was curious and skeptical at the same time, so I decided to give LenosTube a try. I uploaded my latest music video, which was an EDM song that I wrote and produced myself. I shared the music video link with LenosTube and chose the language I was targeting (French) and the music genre I was aiming for (EDM). I also selected the number of views, likes, comments, and subscribers that I wanted to get for my video.

I was amazed by what happened next. Within 3 days, my music video reached millions of views, thousands of likes, hundreds of comments, and dozens of subscribers. All the metrics were genuine and from real users. My music video also ranked on the first page of YouTube and Google for my target keywords, and I got more exposure and recognition for my music.

I was blown away by the results and I was very happy with the service. LenosTube helped me achieve my musical goals and dreams. Thanks to LenosTube, I became an independent music creator on YouTube, and I even got an opportunity to work as a musician in one of the upcoming films. I can’t reveal the name of the movie yet, but I’m very excited and grateful for this chance.

How You Can Become an Independent Music Creator on YouTube Too

If you are a music creator who wants to grow your audience and reach on YouTube, I highly recommend you to use LenosTube. It is the best service for music video promotion on YouTube, and it will help you boost your views, engagement, and ranking on YouTube and Google. It will also help you gain more fans, exposure, and opportunities for your music.

LenosTube is easy to use, affordable, and effective. You just need to upload your music video to YouTube, share the music video link with LenosTube, and choose the language, genre, and metrics that you want. LenosTube will take care of the rest and deliver the results within a few days.

LenosTube is also safe and reliable. It uses real and organic methods to promote your music videos, and it does not violate any YouTube policies or rules. It also respects your privacy and does not ask for any personal information or access to your YouTube account. You can trust LenosTube with your music video promotion and enjoy the benefits.

Final Words

So, what are you waiting for? Start and see the difference for yourself. You will be amazed by how much your music videos can grow and how much you can achieve as an independent music creator on YouTube.

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